Volunteering at Downtown Community Centre in Victoria

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NewsCommunity › Volunteering at Downtown Community Centre in Victoria

On October 13th two DFH realtors, Katie Webb and Wendy Berke, volunteered to help HeroWork renovate the Cool Aid Society’s Downtown Community Centre. They were helping as a part of the Victoria Real Estate Board’s volunteer team.

dfh REALTORS help hero work victoria
Katie Webb and wendy Berke of DFH volunteering

HeroWork is an organization which dramatically renovates buildings for other charities. This time they set out to radically renovate the Downtown Community Centre. HeroWork wanted to help make the space more usable and be able to significantly increase the capacity for community programs. They built a large outdoor kitchen in the welcoming courtyard and expanded the indoor kitchen to allow for more food literacy programs and events that can reach a greater number of people.

“It was so inspiring to see all the progress being made to radically renovate this space! It was amazing the way that everyone came together under the leadership of the HeroWork coordinators and got the needed work done! They were concerned about more than just renovating to meet the current needs of the community. They made the infrastructure changes based on the organizations ten year plan. They did an incredible job!” – Katie Webb.

Volunteering at Downtown Community Centre in Victoria

dfh agents katie webb and wendy berke hero work victoria

Wendy said “What an incredible organization HeroWorks is. This was my first time volunteering with them and it was well organized and fun. The staff was great and very helpful. I learned a few tricks about painting that I will definitely use in the future. At the end of the day it felt so good to see what we had accomplished especially knowing it was for such a great cause.”
Katie and Wendy were both thrilled to be able to play even just a small part in helping this organization and the community. Thanks for having us HeroWork!